March 19, 2020


 Dear Members,

 We hope and pray that you and your family are doing well.  We want to reach out and let you know that we are here for you.  If you have any concerns, please feel free to reach out to us.  Our Help Center number is 1-877-ASK-TSTA.

We know this is a stressful time because we are all experiencing it too.  Our local president, Mr. Rene De La Viña, has been in communication with the superintendents.  Their message to us and everyone is not to worry.  All employees will get paid.  Most employees are staying home with some being called into work for various jobs.

While some schools across our nation are closed this next week, some schools have shut down for the rest of the school year.  Locally, the uncertainty of how long schools will need to be closed is still at hand.  For now, our spring break has been extended for another week for students and staff.  Some school districts have put together plans that allow for remote learning and meal service.  At some school districts outside Laredo, teachers on contract are being asked to come in and work to prepare for either when the students return or remote learning.  Laredo ISD and United ISD board of trustees are scheduled to meet next week to address some of these topics.

 How does this affect teachers and school employees reporting for work?  First, teachers and all school employees need to be vigilant when coming together.  Keep space between you and the next person.  If you are feeling sick, have traveled to a level 3 country, or are a high-risk individual (over 60 and have a suppressed immune system or other underlying condition such as diabetes, COPD, heart issues, etc.), you need to heed the CDC guidelines and work remotely or take time off from work, by contacting your supervisor and/or HR first order of business.  Here is the link to the CDC guidelines we should all be practicing:

 Districts are asking employees to fill out a survey before returning to work. If asked, please honestly fill out the survey. If you have traveled, it is probably safer for you and your colleagues to self-quarantine. Inform the district that you are requesting to self-quarantine because of your travels.

 NEA has many resources for lessons and other tips for virtual classrooms. Check it out.

 Whatever happens in the next months, know that TSTA is advocating for you! If there is anything we can do, please do not hesitate to contact us.

 Laredo United TSTA/NEA